Friday, March 6, 2015

Take-home Exam (Spring 2015)

Essays will be 200-250 words in length (you will include the word count at the top), 1.5 spacing, and printed on separate pages. Each essay will fit on the front side of one sheet of paper. You will list the essay number in the top right corner. You will do your own work (do not discuss the assignment with classmates or anyone else) but you may use the books, class notes/slides. You will write your name on the back side of each essay by hand. You will turn in essays Friday (3/13) at the beginning of class.

Pick one of these:
1) Discuss The Grapes of Wrath as a practical example of principals discussed in the Communist Manifesto.

2) Imagine that the authors of Anthem (Ayn Rand) and the Communist Manifesto (Karl Marx and Friederich Engels) had a discussion. What might that look like? (I want you to produce a script.)

Pick one of these:
3) Gladwell discusses the relationship between genius and becoming an outlier. Summarize and critique his conclusions.

4) Compare/contrast Outliers with a reading from the first section (Animal Farm, Anthem, Between Good and Evil, Communist Manifesto, Grapes of Wrath)